50 Sunrise Blvd.
Colusa, CA 95932 (530)458-2118

Colusa Landing is phase one of the 88 acre resort project included in the resort commercial rezone in the Colusa County General Plan update.
On the river side we currently have 19 RV pads with full hookups and views of the Sacramento River. We have recently added restrooms and showers onto the RV trailer parking site.
In 2020 we completed our new 40 space full hook up RV Park on the other side of the levee with beautiful views of the Sutter Buttes. On this side there is also an office area with bathrooms, showers and laundry facility included as an amenity to our tenants.
Colusa Landing offers RV parking and truck and boat trailer parking across the road.

To reserve RV/Trailer/Dock space or to purchase a yearly launch pass
please contact Colusa Landings office at (530)682-8784
Colusa Landing is located at
3249/3244 Butte Slough Road along the Sacramento River in Colusa.
For more information call (530) 682-8784. Visit the website at http://www.colusalanding.com